Getting Started and Setup ========================= Below are the basic steps need to get rapidsms-twilio integrated into your RapidSMS project. Install ``rapidsms-twilio``:: pip install rapidsms-twilio Add ``rtwilio`` to your ``INSTALLED_APPS`` in your ```` file:: INSTALLED_APPS = ( # other apps 'rtwilio', ) Add the following to your existing ``INSTALLED_BACKENDS`` configuration in your ```` file:: INSTALLED_BACKENDS = { # ... # other backends, if any "twilio-backend": { "ENGINE": "rtwilio.outgoing.TwilioBackend", 'config': { 'account_sid': 'ACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', # (required) 'auth_token': 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY', # (required) 'number': '(###) ###-####', # your Twilio phone number (required) # optional callback URL # 'callback': 'http:///backend/twilio/status-callback/', } }, } Next, you need to add an endpoint to your ```` for the newly created backend. You can do this like so:: from django.conf.urls import include, url urlpatterns = [ # ... url(r'^backend/twilio/', include('rtwilio.urls')), ] Now inbound Twilio messages can be received at ``/backend/twilio/`` and outbound messages will be sent via the Twilio backend.